We are proud to champion truckstop facilities, with our flagship site just three miles from the M5 motorway in Gloucestershire.
Without HGV drivers, our economy simply cannot function. According to the Road Haulage Association, which we are a member of ourselves, 98% of all food and agricultural products in the UK is moved by road. Simply put, without lorries and road transport as a whole, shops cannot keep their shelves stocked with the essential goods we use without even thinking.
Recent events, most notably the Covid-19 pandemic, have shown just how vital a role haulage plays in our daily lives. Yet a lack of truck stops with adequate rest facilities and safe parking spaces is a continuous battle that lorry drivers face.
At William Gilder Group, we wanted to change that. With our extensive knowledge and heritage within the haulage industry, we know all to well just how crucial driver are to the communities they serve and the wider UK economy. This led us to embark on a mission to provide a safe place for lorry drivers travelling through Gloucestershire a place to rest, get a good meal, and have a wash before venturing onto the M5 and surrounding roads. A basic human right.
Our Teddington Head Office now has space for 150 vehicles, modern male and female washroom and shower facilities, and its own café, The Hut. All a short distance from Junction 9 of the motorway. Further developments include a laundrette and truck washing facilities, and vehicle refuelling is available at the same site as well. There is no need to book a space as the onsite team will aim to accommodate drivers on arrival.
The site is protected by 24-hour CCTV and security, including patrols and barrier entry. As an accredited SNAP parking site, drivers can be assured that they are in a safe location with their loads protected, while they take time to look after themselves.
Poor driver facilities have the added impact of putting off the next generation of lorry drivers. The stories of drivers being refused access to facilities while carrying out deliveries during Covid-19, plus accounts of thefts all have the potential to dissuade future drivers at a time when demand for goods is incredibly high.
Not only do we work to implement those facilities that drivers expect and are entitled to, but we continue to lobby decision-makers and raise further awareness of how current planning processes in getting truckstops developed has far-reaching consequences.
Watch our managing director and founder William Gilder talk about this very topic on BBC Points West.
In addition to our truckstop facilities, we are also keen champions of local produce. In keeping with our agricultural heritage, The Longhorn restaurant located at our Teddington Hands truckstop serves premium steaks produced from the cattle we raise ourselves at our farms in Gloucestershire and Worcestershire.
We raise traditional native breeds, such as Herefords, Angus, and the British Longhorn, which gives the restaurant its name. These particular breeds are famed for the high fat content that gives them their superior taste. The Longhorn restaurant opened in 2023, with the aim to provide a place to enjoy the best quality steaks in a beautiful setting, without the need to break the bank.
Next door, The Hut cafe is the perfect spot for lorry drivers to have a proper rest, with a hearty, homecooked meal before heading back onto the roads. We also provide hot and cold drinks, with all our food prepared using to quality ingredients.
Such has been The Hut’s popularity that it moved from its original location in our haulage yard to its current, renovated premises in 2023. That popularity continues today, with a dedicated cafe team delivering high levels of service to go with the delicious food we serve.
Over the road from The Longhorn is our own farm shop, Teddington Stores, where steaks, T-bones, ribs, and other cuts of meat are stored in a temperature-controlled environment and expertly prepared by our on-site butchers. More than just your average farm shop, Teddington Stores (affectionally known as Teddy’s) also hosts a wide range of wines, spirits, and artisan foods, alongside a portfolio of crafts made by local creators.
All three locations underpin our commitment to championing local produce, with waste being kept to the absolute minimum through our expertise in environmental management.
Our Teddington Hands truck stop is located three miles from Junction 9 of the M5 motorway in Gloucestershire. We are also in the process of developing facilities in Evesham (Worcestershire) and Avonmouth near Bristol.
We provide an on-site launderette, two modern truck washing bays, and refueling pumps. We are both KeyFuels and SNAP Parking registered.
Food and drinks can be purchased at The Hut Cafe, The Longhorn Bar & Grill restaurant , and our own farm shop, Teddington’s, all of which are located onsite at the truck stop.
No – simply turn up and our security team will be on hand to accomodate you. We have space for up to 150 HGVs at out Teddington Hands site.
Our security team is onsite 24/7, 365 days a year. Our truckstop is also covered by CCTV and operates a barrier entry system to control access.
Our parking is determined by SNAP Parking fees. An indicative cost is available here.
We are so passionate about driver facilities and believe strongly in our approach that we are replicating the Teddington Hands model at other locations. We currently have planning secured for sites in Evesham, Worcestershire, and at Avonmouth, which will lead by the example we’ve set at Teddington.
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